“Would Paul have approved of Piers’s ending? It would be nice to think so as The Death Of An Owl makes the journey from well-crafted and urbane political novel to spooky melodrama with elegance. A pleasure to read.”
"Would Paul have approved of Piers’s ending? It would be nice to think so as The Death Of An Owl makes the journey from well-crafted and urbane political novel to spooky melodrama with elegance. A pleasure to read."
“Would Paul have approved of Piers’s ending? It would be nice to think so as The Death Of An Owl makes the journey from well-crafted and urbane political novel to spooky melodrama with elegance. A pleasure to read.”
I was sad to hear the news of Paul Torday’s death, and the poignant story that his son had completed his last novel before publication. I’ve loved the other Torday books I’ve read and wanted to see his final piece. At no point in reading did I think “There, that’s where he stopped”, I got to the end and realised I’d finished without spotting a join, or noticing a change in style, tone or direction. It is very well done, and a very engaging story. Quite a way to finish.
Chris Bryant has reviewed The Death of an Owl for the Guardian, calling it a ‘delightful Gothic fantasy’.
The Daily Mail has given The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall a rave review – read it in full here.
Harry Ritchie reviews More Than You Can Say for The Guardian.